Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hill repeats - round 1

My coach definitely upped the ante this week. For any of you who have been part of any type of running team, I'm sure you understood my dread when hill repeats showed up on this week's training schedule. For those of you who haven't run, it is exactly what it sounds like - running, usually at a faster pace, up a hill, multiple times. The Boston Marathon is a hilly course, so I knew this day was coming. Above is the hill I ran today, although the picture doesn't really doesn't do it justice, if you ask me. It starts gradual and then what you can't see at the top is the place where the incline gets markedly steeper. It's also 0.2 miles long, which doesn't seem like much except when you think that it's almost once around a track. I had to run this hill four times, and by the end, boy were my legs hurting. You know what they say - no pain, no gain - that was the truth today.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Melissa,
    I enjoy reading your blogs. It sounds as if you are preparing well for the big day. :-) Auntie Cindy
