I MADE IT!!! Today I officially ran 8 miles (8.4417 to be exact). I ran it with my turning-to-be-very-trusty running buddies Bill & Alan. This is more than I've ever run before in my life. It was surprisingly not as hard as I anticipated, although Alan picked up the pace at the end again and I
tried to keep up with him, but he lost me. We ran a very beautiful route through the Arboretum and around Jamaica Pond. I feel very fortunate to have so many great places to run right around me - it certainly makes training easier. I'm feeling pretty tired right now and a little nervous about how my legs might feel tomorrow, but in all it was a great day. My sister commented once that she had a difficult time finding the "runner's high". I'm not sure that I've felt it in the past, but I did today for sure.
Also, I need to say that I am in love with
g-maps pedometer. It's such a great tool for figuring out running routes - sure beats trying to drive around clocking mileage in my car like in the past. Here's a shout out to Bridget Conneely for introducing us to this amazing technology. Thanks Bridge!
Who doesn't love technology? Keep up the good work. Is ARL going to have a send off or meet you at the finish line party for you in April?
one of your foster parents
Who doesn't love technology?
one of your foster parents