Today though I woke up feeling crummy - definitely like I'm getting sick - coughing, tight chest, aching. Between the seemingly impending cold and my achey knees I feel like I can't catch a break these past couple of weeks. I'm thinking it's maybe time to take this week to rest and recoup and start fresh next weekend, although I feel like I'll be going stir-crazy if I can't do something. What to do... any ideas???
Monday, November 30, 2009
Training day 12 went well, but I'm not feeling so hot today
Yesterday Bill & I went on our scheduled 9 mile run. I felt great for the entire run, like I could have run the whole marathon yesterday, except that my knees started to hurt again about 3/4 of the way through. What a pain! I'm thinking it might be my shoes, although I've only had them since June. However I got them when I was only running 6-10 miles a week and didn't have any problems, so maybe they aren't appropriate - who knows?
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Training, day 11

Friday, November 27, 2009
Training, day 11
Thanksgiving day & my knee felt better. I decided to try a short run - just a slow-paced 3 mile route. I was suppose to run 5 miles but didn't want to push it too hard. I was happy - I felt pretty good. I had a little discomfort coming down one of the hills, but nothing major. It wasn't a lot of running, but it certainly made me feel like I could enjoy a little extra pie, which I certainly did!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A minor setback
One of my fears has happened. After feeling so great after my long run, that evening and the next day my right knee was quite painful. After doing some research online, it appeared that I had a case of Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS), which is apparently a very common injury in runners. I am typically more a "work through the pain" type person, so it's a challenge for me to do what is recommended - ice my knee and rest from running until I feel better. But I'm doing it.
The good news is that it's been two days since my big run and I'm feeling better already. There are a lot of activities that are not off limits, so I can keep active. I swam yesterday and rode my bike today. Here's hoping that this is the only hitch in my training!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Training, day 10

Also, I need to say that I am in love with g-maps pedometer. It's such a great tool for figuring out running routes - sure beats trying to drive around clocking mileage in my car like in the past. Here's a shout out to Bridget Conneely for introducing us to this amazing technology. Thanks Bridge!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Training, day 9
Training day 9 was just a 3 mile run, which, I'm happy to say, felt like a breeze. Maybe all this running is starting to pay off! Bill & I did a "tempo" run where you start off jogging and then increase your pace for a period of time. We did the first mile slower, increased speed the second mile and then increased it even more for the third (with a short cool down at the end). This helps increase your lactate threshold, which is a phrase that comes up all the time in my marathon training book. By the end we actually ran a 7 min. 23 sec. pace, which I was very proud of. Not that I'll be keeping that pace up for the entire 26.2 miles, but it felt great last night.
Now, if I can only make it through the 8 miles ahead of me tomorrow...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Training, day 8
Pretty uneventful day today. I didn't make it to yoga yesterday because Bill needed to use our car in the morning, but I still felt pretty good this morning (despite missing out on the extra stretching). Went to Lowell Woods again so the dog could also run and did 4.5 miles. All in all, a good day.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Training, day 6 & 7
Training day 6 was a cross training day, so we went for a 16 mile bike ride. I haven't ridden my bike in a while so it felt like a long 16 miles. It also dawned on me about 2/3 of the way through that at some point in January I'm going to be expected to run this long. It was a little intimidating, I have to admit.

Training day 7's run called for 3 miles, so I did one of my go-to 3.4 mile routes from my house, around Jamaica Pond, and back. Even though it was a short run, and I love Jamaica Pond, I really didn't feel my best this morning. My pace was decent, but I had some major dead leg and the wind was biting. I guess I've been spoiled by all this unseasonably nice November weather and have yet to toughen up to the cold. Tomorrow is yoga day, so I'm hoping that will help loosen things up in my legs and get me ready for a great run Thursday.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Training, day 5
Today was my first scheduled "long" run. This one was 6 miles - I'm up to 8 miles next weekend. I was fortunate to have company on this run - my husband Bill, our friend Alan and our dog Addie. We went trail running at one of my favorite places, Lowell Woods in Westwood, MA. There is a 1.5 mile loop that we ran 4 times. In all it was a pretty good run, although Alan schooled Bill & I on the last loop. Everyone finished strong though (both human and dog). I'm looking forward now to a well-deserved dinner, a night of relaxing on the couch and a tired dog, who hopefully won't cause any trouble now till tomorrow.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Training, day 4
Today's schedule called only for a 3 mile run. It was a fairly uneventful run and I can check that one off my list.
I did have a realization today that with longer runs in my near future, my ipod running playlist is going to get old soon. Anyone want to share what tunes really get them moving? I tend to like stuff with a strong beat (dance, pop, 80s, etc...) but am open to any and all suggestions. If you have any, please throw them my way...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Training, day 3
Yesterday was an "off" day which meant no running for me. Instead we went on a 4 mile hike through the Nashoba Valley Conservation Area in Acton, MA - very pretty and a great place to take dogs. Today, though, training was back on with a 5 mile run around the Esplanade which I did husband in tow (or should I say he did with me in tow). The Esplanade is still one of my favorite places to run in Boston and at night, with the lights over the river, it's very peaceful. Great way to end the day.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Training, day 2
I was not in the mood to go running today. I think it was a combo of running errands and such all day (and therefore, very tired) as well as the fact that it was only a scheduled 3 mile run, so I almost had myself convinced that it really didn't matter all that much. However, on days like this I like to think of a podcast I heard of Craig Alexander, Ironman Triathlon World Champion, who said that no matter how he is feeling, he always, at a minimum, starts his scheduled training, even if he doesn't finish it. It's very good advice. Just getting up and out the door is 1/2 the battle most days, but once you're moving, everything seems to work out just fine. Today was one of those days for me and I am happy to say I can check this 3 mile run off my training schedule!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Welcome to Melissa's Marathon Blog

The Boston Marathon is officially 161 days away, which feels like a long time. For me, I hope this blog will help keep me focused on the goal ahead as well as provide a way to look back at what it took to get to the starting line. And I hope it offers to all of you a way to keep track of my progress.
Thanks again to everyone who contributed to both help the Animal Rescue League of Boston and get me to the starting point of this journey. If you know of any other folks that might like to support this cause, please send them to the ARL Boston Marathon donation page. I hope come April 19, 2010 I will make you & everyone one (human and animal) at the Animal Rescue League all proud!
Let the training begin!

My long runs don't start for a little while, so I'm spending the next few weeks slowly increasing my distance. My plan is to follow the novice plan in Hal Higdon's book, since it has worked for so many people.
Went on a very nice 4-mile trail run with my husband and dog around Ponkapoag Pond in the Blue Hills. I did get a bad side stitch about 3/4 of the way through. This has been happening to me lately, and is something I need to figure out how to fix. Suggestions anyone? Otherwise, it was a great run!
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