Not much to mention on the run front this week. It was a light week due to my Achilles tendon acting up. However, I'm in a bit of a shoe crisis. As planned, I went to replace my current pair of running shoes - Mizuno Wave Inspire 5s - with a new pair so they were not so worn out for the marathon. I've had this pair for several months and they are starting to show evidence of too much wear and tear. My intention was to go out and buy the same exact pair for the marathon because I love the so much. However, Mizuno no longer makes the Wave Inspire 5. They now have the Wave Inspire 6. No biggie I thought - in theory they are essentially the same shoe with a few changes to material. However, in practice, I'm finding that not to be the case and for the past week they have been really uncomfortable. I got them from Marathon Sports so I can exchange them, even used, but now I'm panicking that I won't be able to find another pair of shoes for the marathon. I have looked all over the web for the 5s with absolutely no luck. What to do???
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