Seriously? First, I specifically put in their "special comments" field to double check that they were the 5s, not the 6s - clearly this was not read. Second, why let me pay for 2 day shipping and then not even contact me that they didn't have the shoes to send! It was all very frustrating. Fortunately though, Jeff, one of the ARL volunteers, had found another link to a shoe company that carried the 5s and had sent it to me a couple days ago. I called them and they did have them in stock and I should be receiving them tomorrow. Thanks Jeff!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
I just need to vent...
Today was the day that I was supposed to get my new pair of shoes since I paid an extra $15 for 2 day shipping. When UPS arrived and my package was nowhere to be seen, I called the company to check on my order. What I got on the phone was: "Oh, we were going to call you, we don't have those in stock anymore. Would you like the Wave Inspire 6? We have those in stock".
Monday, March 29, 2010
Success! My "Wave Inspire 5s" are on their way!
Thank you everyone who encouraged me to keep searching online. I found a pair of the Wave Inspire 5s at a running store in Colorado and they will be here in two days. I am thrilled. Now I just have to return the pair I bought today to Marathon Sports - pair #3 I've returned there. I feel like they'll want to ban me from the store...
Goodbye beloved Mizunos...

Thursday, March 25, 2010
So far so good...
Keith Stiles just might be a miracle worker. I gave my new and improved Achilles tendon a test run today and I have to say it felt good. Perhaps slightly tighter than my other calf, but no pain to really to speak of. Can I say I feel cautiously optimistic?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Now that was a sports massage!
With my recent Achilles tendon issues, my coach recommended another deep tissue/sports massage. Since we're so close to marathon time, it was important to address this issue asap. The Boston Running Center hosts a sports massage therapist that comes up twice a month from New York named Keith Stiles and fortunately the timing was perfect because he happened to be in town yesterday. When looking him up, his credentials are pretty impressive, including 7 years doing massage for the performers of Cirque du Soleil.
The first massage I got to try and help my IT band issue was certainly relaxing, and did address some of the IT band pain I had. But it was not a sports massage. Yesterday he focused entirely on my right leg and did a lot of really deep tissue work. It was very painful, although in that good "really working out the kinks" kind of pain. My pain was not in the tough cord part of my Achilles by my heal, but was a combination of muscle and tendon pain mid calf where the two fan together. I'm still sore today, which he warned would be the case. I should be able to try running again tomorrow so we'll see how that goes.
Monday, March 22, 2010
My Achilles heel is really my Achilles heel...
The top 5 most common running injuries are:
- Achilles tendonitis
- Chondromalacia - Runner's Knee
- iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Shinsplints
We are less than one month away from the marathon and I now have my second of the top 5 most common running injuries and I have to admit I'm a tad panicked. I've worked my way through ITB syndrome and it doesn't really bother me that much anymore. However, now I have Achilles Tendonitis and it almost stopped me completely on my long run yesterday. I can handle most running pain, but it felt like my calf was going to snap. It was bad.
Once again, I'm so glad I have a running coach (thanks again mom, dad & sis!) because he's working closely with me to do what needs to be done to overcome this injury. I've been taking aleve, icing and have an appointment for a pt/sports massage tomorrow to help break up any scar tissue that has developed.
On a good note - aerobically I really felt good yesterday during my 19 mile run - so I hope that I've done enough work building my aerobic fitness that a few days off from running won't do me that much damage. Wish me luck through this one...
Friday, March 19, 2010
Official number 25709!

Somehow they also state that the field is limited to 25,000 entrants, curious when I'm 709 over that. In fact, it seems like lucky Thomas Peterson from Massachusetts is the official highest number at 27625. I'm not asking questions though, I'm just thrilled to have a number.
A couple other interesting people to watch out for if you're at the marathon. Valerie Bertinelli is bib number 22503. She's running for Dana Farber, so have your camera's ready. I haven't heard of any other celebrities running so far, but if there is anyone, I'll let you know. Also, my co-worker Dr. Alett Mekler, one of the veterinarians at our clinic, is bib number 23616 - if you see her be sure to cheer her on too!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
A "magical Disney" Tuesday run
Tuesday's run was short - just a quick four miles. But I had the most fun thing happen on my run! I was on Moraine Street in J.P. and all of the sudden the cutest little 7-8 month old black and white kitten had pounced out from behind a bush and was chasing behind me. He had a collar and microchip tag on so I didn't worry that he was lost. I stopped to visit for a minute and then started running again and he chased behind me all the way to the end of his property - he was so cute! Between that and the *finally* blue, clear skies it felt like my own personal Disney moment. Compared to Sunday, it was so nice.
Also, I have to give a shout out to Linda Witt, my mother-in-law, to thank her for the shoe dryer she sent us for Christmas - boy has it come in handy! Yesterday morning my shoes were still just as wet as they were on Sunday (I thought two days inside would have taken care of it). Fortunately I had another old pair to wear, but I used the dryer and by night time they were as good as new. Thanks Linda!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
No, that was the yuckiest run ever.
- Killing my ipod after 3 miles because it got too wet
- Climbing on top of a stone wall through prickers on Allandale Road because the water was a foot deep
- Trying, quite successfully I might add, to dodge the waves of water being kicked up by passing cars
- Trying, quite unsuccessfully, to avoid stepping in very deep puddles of water
- Watching the soap suds build up around my knees from my running pants (photo included) - there was so much water I was literally rewashing my clothes
- Getting off route somewhere around the Chestnut Hill Reservoir and hoping I would be able to find my way back
- Seriously contemplating how lame it would look to jump in a cab home
However, I persevered and I made it! Now, a few hours later, I did find one silver lining to this cloud. My training schedule today called for the run to be progressive, meaning that I was supposed to gradually increase my speed from start to finish. Also, my coach wanted to know my average pace for the run. I was so eager to get out of the rain that it gave me added incentive to run faster and I ended up averaging 8 minute 23 second miles, which I was incredibly happy with. Plus, I got to go to brunch afterwards which tasted all that much better.
Still no ice bath...
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Yuckiest run ever!
I know I've run through some cold days, some snowy days, some windy days, but I have to say today might just take the cake for the yuckiest day ever. It was a combination of the weather - 30s, cold rain, wind - time of day (dark) - and the fact that it was a hill repeat workout, one of my least favorites. It was really hard to get out the door tonight, but I did.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
ARL Boston President's Dinner
Not much to mention about my training run yesterday (just a quick three miles). However, Wednesday night was the annual President's Dinner and Jay Bowen, the ARL President, very kindly acknowledged the donations I raised to be able to run the marathon. In turn, it made me want to acknowledge everyone who so generously donated to help me run the marathon and for all the subsequent words of encouragement and support. Couldn't have done it without you all - for that I'm so grateful!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Also, the ice bath didn't happen.
I really wanted to see if it would help me with my post-run soreness, but I just couldn't make myself do it.
It was a long day Sunday, but I made it!
Sunday was a jam-packed day for me. I did my 16 (technically 16.77) mile run... after helping to spay and neuter 43 feral cats at the Animal Rescue League of Boston's first Sunday Spay/Neuter Day for Feral Cats of 2010. My day started at 6 a.m., so boy was I tired! It felt great though. The weather was beautiful and it was so nice to see everyone out and about.
The only down side to my run was that my ipod died several steps into my run. I like to use the several hours of running to catch up on podcasts, listen to music, etc. It was admittedly a little more boring than usual. However, there was an upswing - I did find that I was able to pay more attention to my run which was out and back on the course - so I will be more familiar with it come marathon day.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
So happy it's warm outside!
It has been a long cold winter, and I cannot say enough how happy I am going to be tomorrow running in 50 degree weather. So far, I think I have felt better on all my runs this week than I have on any other week of my training, and it's been a tough one. With less than two months to go, my coach is upping the ante again. This week looked like:
Sunday - 12 mile run (felt good!)
Tuesday - 25 minutes easy pace and then 30 minutes progressive (which means you gradually increase your pace throughout the run)
Wednesday - swimming
Thursday - 40 minutes easy pace
Friday - 4 intervals of 1 mile easy pace followed by 1/2 mile of medium pace
The only thing on the agenda this week that I am not looking forward to is an ice bath. This seems to be gaining in popularity as I have read about it in many running magazines, but essentially you are supposed to soak your legs in very cold (using ice if necessary) water for about 10 minutes to aid with healing. We'll see if this actually happens. I can barely get into a pool that is less than 80 degrees.
Tomorrow's run is 16 miles, out and back on the course. Here's hoping it goes well!
Sunday - 12 mile run (felt good!)
Tuesday - 25 minutes easy pace and then 30 minutes progressive (which means you gradually increase your pace throughout the run)
Wednesday - swimming
Thursday - 40 minutes easy pace
Friday - 4 intervals of 1 mile easy pace followed by 1/2 mile of medium pace
The only thing on the agenda this week that I am not looking forward to is an ice bath. This seems to be gaining in popularity as I have read about it in many running magazines, but essentially you are supposed to soak your legs in very cold (using ice if necessary) water for about 10 minutes to aid with healing. We'll see if this actually happens. I can barely get into a pool that is less than 80 degrees.
Tomorrow's run is 16 miles, out and back on the course. Here's hoping it goes well!
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